Category: externally authored

  • Vital Tones discovers brain wave frequencies, to alter specific areas of the brain!

    A Turkish researcher has discovered a way to stimulate specific areas of the brain through brainwave entrainment!

    “It’s bold to say but I have unlocked the binaries of the brain through sound frequencies,” says Ugur Dogan, a sound frequency researcher developing his research further where he lives in Yogyakarta / Indonesia.

    This discovery opens a new era of prospect into brain wave entrainment and neurostimulation technology. (more…)

  • 3 Reasons Why Exercising is Essential for Asthma Management

    by Ria Antonio

    Whether you are a fitness buff or a couch potato, you know very well that sports and exercise have amazing benefits to your health. But if you’re a person with asthma, you will surely have second thoughts about it because engaging in strenuous activities can leave you breathless.

    On the contrary, having asthma isn’t reason enough for you to avoid engaging in sports and exercises. (more…)

  • How to Live a Beautifully Exotic Life in a World of Mediocrity

    By Prachel Carter

    exotic adj. Intriguingly unusual or different; excitingly strange:

    What does it mean live an exotic lifestyle?

    Exotic living can mean different things to different people, but in the context of this piece, it means to live life in a true and authentic way. To the outside world, this type of transparent living may seem weird, or strange or different.

    Humans, by nature, are exotic beings.  We are all very different.  We were meant to be.  Could you imagine a world where everyone was the same?   We are all shaped by our different perspectives, views and life experiences.  No two of us are the same.  Ever.  (more…)

  • A Recipe for Health with 5 Powerful Ingredients

    By Dr. Paul Lam, author of Born Strong

    Narrowly surviving the Great Famine in China as a boy and overworking my malnourished young body left me with the legacy of arthritis, which I developed as a teenager. Today, decades later, while many people with my history would suffer with limited mobility, I become physically and emotionally stronger and more flexible with each passing year.

    I’ve made it my life’s work to share my elixir with as many people as possible. Here is my recipe for health that has helped countless patients, friends, students, and tai chi colleagues live a healthy and fulfilling life. (more…)

  • Is Success a Modern Myth?

    by Ian Merrill

    The stores are full of books on how to be successful. We are urged to awaken the giant within, win friends and influence people, or share in the secrets of the wealthy. We get hysterically excited at even the thought of success. We pump ourselves up with positive affirmations, we seek employee of the month, we chase victories, we stock up with achievements until our CVs reach that magic third page of puffed-up triumphs.

    Why? (more…)

  • How to Show Love to an Autistic Child

    One of the most pervasive myths that surround autism is that a child who has it will never show affection and can’t accept getting affection from anyone. There have been literally piles of stories of parents taking their child to a psychologist and the doctor telling the parents that your child can’t possibly be autistic because he gives you a hug now and then. While this opinion is just flat wrong, studies have shown that autistic children do process sensory touch differently than a non-autistic child and that this is where the myth that autistic children don’t like to be touched comes from.

    Autism and the way it affects kids really runs the gamut from light to severe. An excellent point to remember when dealing with an autistic child is that every single autistic child is different and will react to almost everything differently. Here are some tips for showing your autistic child affection, and remember, your experience may vary. (more…)

  • Autism Anxiety Overload

    The renowned autism expert Tony Atwood is fond of putting it this way: “Autism is anxiety looking for a target.” Autism and anxiety go hand-in-hand. Autism affects a person’s ability to communicate with others or to understand the world around him, and that’s bound to cause anxiety and panic sometimes.

    Anxiety becomes even worse when there is a change in the autistic child’s routine. Even positive and “fun” changes, like a school field trip or a visit to the zoo, can increase anxiety and aggressive behaviors.

    For parents, the best course of action is to anticipate upcoming changes and help your child prepare for them. (more…)

  • Activities for Autistic Children

    Parents, teachers, and other caregivers often get so caught up in educating and providing structure to the lives of autistic children that they forget that, above all, he or she is a child. Like any other child in his or her age group, your autistic child wants to have fun. While some activities may not be suitable for those suffering from autism, there are a number of fun games to play with autistic children, many of which can get them involved with others or help them further develop motor or social skills while just focusing on having a good time. (more…)

  • Make Learning Fun for Kids with Autism

    Autism is a disorder of the brain that is biological in function. It causes anywhere from mild to severe social impairment and an inability to function normally in society. However, there are ways to treat many of the cases of autism. Autistic children can learn and excel and if certain teaching methods are used, their progress can be nothing short of fantastic. (more…)

  • Overcoming Food Obsessions

    The general public often doesn’t realize what parents of autistic children are keenly aware of: It is a physical condition as much as a mental one. Research shows that more than 50 percent of autistic children have gastrointestinal problems such as Crohns Disease or colitis. Some scientists theorize that autism begins in the gut, with the gastrointestinal walls being damaged and allowing toxins to leak into the bloodstream and affect brain activity.

    For this reason, parents of children with autism must monitor not just their children’s behavior but their eating habits, too. (more…)