3 Reasons Why Exercising is Essential for Asthma Management

by Ria Antonio

Whether you are a fitness buff or a couch potato, you know very well that sports and exercise have amazing benefits to your health. But if you’re a person with asthma, you will surely have second thoughts about it because engaging in strenuous activities can leave you breathless.

On the contrary, having asthma isn’t reason enough for you to avoid engaging in sports and exercises. As long as you are properly advised by health professionals such as the allergy center Fort Morgan specialists, you are well on your way towards your goal of achieving physical fitness and even athletic excellence.

Did you know that some of the world’s most famous athletes are asthmatic? Not only that; they excel in physically demanding sports! Paul Scholes, the great football player and Ian Botham the famous cricketer, are two of the many sports icons who have overcome this health hurdle and succeeded in the sports they love.

Being asthmatic, you should exercise regularly because physical activity can help you cope better with that condition. With proper management, asthma should not stop you from enjoying the physical, mental and emotional benefits of exercising, working out or even engaging in sports.  Here are some of the reasons why being physically active is a must for you:

1. Exercise improves the performance of your lungs.

Exercising increases your need for oxygen to about four times a minute. As a result, your lungs are urged to work harder to cope with this demand. With the right routine and rest intervals, coupled with sound health and fitness advice, you are firming up your lungs in the process. Having strong, healthy lungs are essential in managing your condition.

2. Physical activity makes you worry less about your condition.

Stress can add to your psychological burden, and the more you worry about your asthma, the heavier your breathing goes. Engaging in some physical activities such as exercise, sports or even simple household routines will work to make you think less about your condition. This can surely bring you some relief.

3. Being physically fit gives you greater confidence about your ability to manage your asthma.

The more that you exercise and believe in its benefits, the more health conscious you become. This makes you want to rehydrate, prefer nutritious food and strive to get enough rest. This renewed awareness and consciousness can make you even more determined in overcoming the difficulties that come with your respiratory problem – simply because you know you got it under control!

Asthma, what used to be one of the most dreaded respiratory conditions, should never get in the way of your daily life! Get the right information, expert advice, support and inspiration to help you feel good, stay healthy and enjoy life to the fullest!


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