Tag: physical symptoms

  • Overcome Panic Attacks

    Panic attacks are real, debilitating, common [1], experienced by all kinds of people, often misunderstood – and – treatable. This article defines what a panic attack is, considers the likely causes, and outlines recommended treatments – including one highly effective natural technique.

    What is a Panic Attack?

    A panic attack is an acute episode of severe anxiety. Panic attacks are usually accompanied by a range of physical symptoms ranging from uncomfortable to crippling. These symptoms may include heart palpitations, breathlessness, sweating or feeling chilled, trembling, dizziness, and/or the feeling of detachment or even “going crazy” (among others).

    Not only are panic attacks very unpleasant when they strike, but they adversely affect sufferers’ entire quality of life, since they can occur at any time. Thus sufferers may avoid socializing, travel, driving, and in extreme cases leaving their home altogether.

    Panic disorder sufferers can easily feel isolated as friends and family find the condition difficult to understand compared to more obvious physical problems such as a broken leg. (more…)

  • Causes of Panic Attacks

    Barry McDonagh analyses the causes of panic attacks, beginning with a definition of anxiety and describing the fight/flight response. It explains the physical and mental effects and gives some practical advice for coping with or avoiding anxiety. (more…)