Category: Self esteem

  • Seeds of What?

    by Cheri Neal

    The book “Seeds of Joy, Growing Zinnias and Your Zest for Life” may have an interesting title, but what does it REALLY mean?  What do Zinnias have to do with Zest? And what does any of it have to do with You and ME?

    Zinnias are filled with rich metaphors, bringing out the best in humanity. The Zinnia grows in every size and comes in a wide array of vibrant colors, much like human beings do. In Zen culture, the Zinnia represents joy, the slice of life that so many of us seem to be missing.

    Then there’s Zest.  Defined as great enthusiasm and energy, with synonyms like: passion, pep, pizzazz, sparkle, spirit, zeal, who on this earth, does not thirst for more Zest? (more…)

  • Communism and Self Esteem

    by Patrick Brigham

    Perceived from the sitting rooms of suburban England or even from a press office in Canary Wharf, the ex Communist countries of Europe remain an anathema to most.  With an absurd oversimplification of the facts, to the yellow press, it is just another rant about the job market, cheap Eastern European labor, and taking work away from English people. But most of it is rot and downright misleading. It also presents these foreign job hunters as androgynous, feeling-less and totally self motivated, but of course, none of this is true. (more…)

  • Improving Self Esteem

    What Is Self Esteem?

    Self esteem (or self worth) is a measure of how valuable a person considers him/herself to be. If we have high self esteem we feel good about ourselves, and tend to live life positively. However, many people suffer from low self esteem, believing themselves to be of low, or no worth.

    Self esteem is a judgment of oneself as well as an attitude toward the self. Self esteem encompasses beliefs (for example, “I am competent,” “I am worthy”) and emotions such as triumph, despair, pride and shame.[1] Smith and Mackie define it by saying “The self-concept is what we think about the self; self-esteem, is the positive or negative evaluations of the self, as in how we feel about it.”[2] (more…)

  • Dealing with Guilt and Regret

    Too often we are dogged by the dark clouds of guilt and regret. Regret is the feeling of wishing we had (or not) done something in the past different than we actually did. Guilt is feeling bad, or even disliking ourselves, over some past act or omission that caused unjustified hurt.

    Dealing with Regret

    Time, as we perceive it, is linear. What is done is done and can never be undone. The most powerful man on the planet cannot change by one iota what happened a fraction of a second ago. Given that, stop worrying about the past. You’re only wasting precious energy that ought to be channeled into now.

    We all experience feelings of regret at some time in our lives. Since we don’t always (ie never) perform perfectly, after any event there will be feelings that we could have done better. (more…)

  • You Are Beautiful

    You are beautiful.

    You are a unique individual. A star like no other; past, present or future. You are on a special journey with a very important purpose.

    You are beautiful.

    You are part of that great oneness known as Spirit. You are also part of its particular manifestation that is the physical universe. Just as you are attached to every other atom and molecule of the cosmos so you are connected to every part of the Great Spirit, or God. Clothed in a physical body that in itself is a miracle of design and creation you have at your heart divine light. (more…)