Tag: fear

  • How to Overcome Anxiety

    Anxiety is an irrational and debilitating feeling of fear that may be triggered by specific life events or may occur without apparent reason.

    The symptoms of anxiety are wide-ranging, but may include avoidance of previously enjoyable activities (eg social events), poor concentration, rumination (mentally going over things repeatedly), restlessness and poor/disturbed sleep. Physical symptoms may include vertigo/dizziness, nausea, diarrhea, indigestion, dry mouth, shortness of breath, palpitations among others.

    In short, for sufferers, anxiety is no less than a living hell. (more…)

  • Your Comfort Zone – Haven or Prison?

    Your comfort zone is that set of circumstances and tasks in which you feel completely at ease, ie you are able to operate with little need of conscious thought or will. Essentially you are on autopilot and your mind can continue in its preferred state of slumber.

    The comfort zone is not a fixed region; it changes throughout life, in the light of experience. A baby’s comfort zone is lying on its back waiting to be fed and changed. But instinct forces it to expand that comfort zone to include walking, talking, reading, writing… Eventually it has to expand far enough to be able to survive in whatever society it finds itself.

    We each need a comfort zone large enough to put food in our bellies and a roof over our head. But do we really need to extend it further? (more…)

  • The Illusion of Fear

    Fear is part of our evolutionary physiology. The “fight or flight” response has helped your ancestors, back to the dawn of time, survive long enough for you to be reading this. The trouble is that while modern life doesn’t present us many life or death situations, its complexity causes the fight or flight response to kick in way more often than is good for us. If we’re not careful the result can be irrational fear, leading to problems of anxiety, stress, depression, self-doubt and ultimately paralysis of the life force that drives the fulfillment of our very purpose.

    Fear manifests itself as a variety of illusions, eg (more…)

  • Overcome Panic Attacks

    Panic attacks are real, debilitating, common [1], experienced by all kinds of people, often misunderstood – and – treatable. This article defines what a panic attack is, considers the likely causes, and outlines recommended treatments – including one highly effective natural technique.

    What is a Panic Attack?

    A panic attack is an acute episode of severe anxiety. Panic attacks are usually accompanied by a range of physical symptoms ranging from uncomfortable to crippling. These symptoms may include heart palpitations, breathlessness, sweating or feeling chilled, trembling, dizziness, and/or the feeling of detachment or even “going crazy” (among others).

    Not only are panic attacks very unpleasant when they strike, but they adversely affect sufferers’ entire quality of life, since they can occur at any time. Thus sufferers may avoid socializing, travel, driving, and in extreme cases leaving their home altogether.

    Panic disorder sufferers can easily feel isolated as friends and family find the condition difficult to understand compared to more obvious physical problems such as a broken leg. (more…)

  • Anxious Thoughts and Broken Records

    This article by Barry McDonagh likens anxious thoughts to an old record with the needle stuck, playing the same sound (thought) over and over. It goes on to present a simple 3-step technique for freeing your mind from the repetitive anxiety track. (more…)

  • Eliminate Anxiety and Panic Attacks For Good

    This article by Barry McDonagh describes the symptoms of panic attacks and the helplessness felt by sufferers. It goes on to reassure sufferers that they are not alone and goes on to describe a technique to cure panic attacks. (more…)

  • Understanding Stress, Anxiety and Depression

    The Modern Epidemic

    Despite modern life offering unprecedented technological benefits, and medical science being able to cure or alleviate many more physical ailments than ever before, somehow “happiness” seems more elusive than ever for a growing number.

    Stress, anxiety and depression are a modern epidemic affecting literally millions. The effects of these debilitating conditions are made even worse by the stigma they carry.

    If you’re unfortunate enough to suffer a physical problem friends, family, colleagues invariably rally around with offers of help. If you’re unfortunate enough to suffer a mental problem those same people frequently keep their distance as though you’re highly contagious or somehow responsible for your suffering. (more…)

  • Facing Difficulty

    A Coping Strategy for Dealing with Life’s Problems

    The question of meaning, purpose, or why we are here is one we’ve all surely asked at one time or another. Given that physical death (and maybe taxes) is the only certainty of this incarnation it is a question without answer in a purely materialistic framework.

    Instead we must seek a solution through Spirituality. If we accept that at essence we are immortal Spirit temporarily journeying the earth plane in a body of atoms and molecules then clearly it is in the Spiritual journey that our true purpose lies. (more…)

  • The Power of Positive Thought

    We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars – Oscar Wilde.

    Positive thought is about the recognition that we are empowered with a degree of control over our destiny. It is the realization that by doing our best along a pathway that is right we achieve as much as we possibly can. Doing this brings the knowledge and satisfaction that we could have done no more.

    Positive thought is not about optimism or pessimism. These are related to future expectation. It’s easier for an optimist to think positively; but even a natural pessimist can adopt a positive attitude, though they expect the worst they can recognize that a positive approach in the here and now will affect the future and make it not so bad as it might have been. (more…)

  • Coping with Depression and Stress

    I am no psychologist, but I have suffered from depression and stress for as long as I can remember. I therefore present the following framework based upon my first-hand experience, observation and reflection in the hope it may in some way be of help to my fellow sufferers.

    Depression is something that will inevitably be your close companion throughout the journey of life. It cannot be beaten or banished, but it can be managed and controlled through knowledge and understanding. There is no reason why those of us with depression cannot live fulfilling and successful lives. (more…)