Tag: confidence

  • 5 Yoga Poses for Confidence and Inner Strength

    by Bipin Baloni

    Summary: The blog explains the five best Yoga poses for enhancing the inner strength and self confidence of a person.

    Self-confidence is one of the most important elements of a person. In every walk of this amazing journey of life, one faces with situations that need to be faced with valor, for which confidence is of immense significance. According to the philosophies of ancient Yoga, inner strength is a crucial element in the path of one’s personal development and for attaining the height of any sort of success in life, self-belief is must to have. Since the beginning of the yogic era, the knowledge of science has been blessing humans with self-confidence and mental power. Practicing the beautiful art of Yoga every day in the morning and evening is one of the finest ways to attain perfection in your life. Have a look at these Yoga poses that are of tremendous importance when it comes to augmenting trust in your abilities. (more…)

  • How to Live a Beautifully Exotic Life in a World of Mediocrity

    By Prachel Carter

    exotic adj. Intriguingly unusual or different; excitingly strange:

    What does it mean live an exotic lifestyle?

    Exotic living can mean different things to different people, but in the context of this piece, it means to live life in a true and authentic way. To the outside world, this type of transparent living may seem weird, or strange or different.

    Humans, by nature, are exotic beings.  We are all very different.  We were meant to be.  Could you imagine a world where everyone was the same?   We are all shaped by our different perspectives, views and life experiences.  No two of us are the same.  Ever.  (more…)

  • Your Comfort Zone – Haven or Prison?

    Your comfort zone is that set of circumstances and tasks in which you feel completely at ease, ie you are able to operate with little need of conscious thought or will. Essentially you are on autopilot and your mind can continue in its preferred state of slumber.

    The comfort zone is not a fixed region; it changes throughout life, in the light of experience. A baby’s comfort zone is lying on its back waiting to be fed and changed. But instinct forces it to expand that comfort zone to include walking, talking, reading, writing… Eventually it has to expand far enough to be able to survive in whatever society it finds itself.

    We each need a comfort zone large enough to put food in our bellies and a roof over our head. But do we really need to extend it further? (more…)

  • The Illusion of Fear

    Fear is part of our evolutionary physiology. The “fight or flight” response has helped your ancestors, back to the dawn of time, survive long enough for you to be reading this. The trouble is that while modern life doesn’t present us many life or death situations, its complexity causes the fight or flight response to kick in way more often than is good for us. If we’re not careful the result can be irrational fear, leading to problems of anxiety, stress, depression, self-doubt and ultimately paralysis of the life force that drives the fulfillment of our very purpose.

    Fear manifests itself as a variety of illusions, eg (more…)

  • Understanding Stress, Anxiety and Depression

    The Modern Epidemic

    Despite modern life offering unprecedented technological benefits, and medical science being able to cure or alleviate many more physical ailments than ever before, somehow “happiness” seems more elusive than ever for a growing number.

    Stress, anxiety and depression are a modern epidemic affecting literally millions. The effects of these debilitating conditions are made even worse by the stigma they carry.

    If you’re unfortunate enough to suffer a physical problem friends, family, colleagues invariably rally around with offers of help. If you’re unfortunate enough to suffer a mental problem those same people frequently keep their distance as though you’re highly contagious or somehow responsible for your suffering. (more…)

  • Improving Self Esteem

    What Is Self Esteem?

    Self esteem (or self worth) is a measure of how valuable a person considers him/herself to be. If we have high self esteem we feel good about ourselves, and tend to live life positively. However, many people suffer from low self esteem, believing themselves to be of low, or no worth.

    Self esteem is a judgment of oneself as well as an attitude toward the self. Self esteem encompasses beliefs (for example, “I am competent,” “I am worthy”) and emotions such as triumph, despair, pride and shame.[1] Smith and Mackie define it by saying “The self-concept is what we think about the self; self-esteem, is the positive or negative evaluations of the self, as in how we feel about it.”[2] (more…)

  • You Are Beautiful

    You are beautiful.

    You are a unique individual. A star like no other; past, present or future. You are on a special journey with a very important purpose.

    You are beautiful.

    You are part of that great oneness known as Spirit. You are also part of its particular manifestation that is the physical universe. Just as you are attached to every other atom and molecule of the cosmos so you are connected to every part of the Great Spirit, or God. Clothed in a physical body that in itself is a miracle of design and creation you have at your heart divine light. (more…)