You Are Beautiful

You are beautiful.

You are a unique individual. A star like no other; past, present or future. You are on a special journey with a very important purpose.

You are beautiful.

You are part of that great oneness known as Spirit. You are also part of its particular manifestation that is the physical universe. Just as you are attached to every other atom and molecule of the cosmos so you are connected to every part of the Great Spirit, or God. Clothed in a physical body that in itself is a miracle of design and creation you have at your heart divine light.

You are beautiful.

Possessed of free will you have unlimited power to make your influence felt upon all that is. For every action of your will is like a pebble thrown into a pond. Its ripples spread across space and time changing that which otherwise would have been.

You are beautiful.

Having the power of love and compassion you use your will to bring light where there is darkness and healing where there is disharmony. You cannot conceal your love for it shines like a beacon from your very essence. Let it shine unconditionally in all you say and do because…

You are beautiful.

Though sometimes imperfect your failings are part of your beauty and humanity. If you were perfect you would have no need to exist in the here and now. Your flaws and weaknesses are merely manifestations of your potential to learn and grow.

You are beautiful.

And the universe you inhabit is beautiful too. Like you, the world and your fellow travellers also carry imperfections. They are on a journey too. Sometimes your journey seems dark and uncaring, but that is just an illusion. The world loves you because you are beautiful.


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