What I Believe and Why

The true nature of reality is unknowable

Descartes defined the limits of certain knowledge with ‘I think. therefore I am.’ Beyond this all is speculation. My entire experience of reality is mediated by the senses, I experience nothing that doesn’t enter by these channels, including my study of accumulated knowledge. Perceived reality behaves extremely consistently, suggesting the likelihood that it exists independently of the perceiver, but there is no certainty. I could be a brain (of some kind) in a vat, fed perceptions by something entirely unknowable.

Science postulates a material universe operating in accord with rigid laws could theoretically explain all that exists including consciousness. There is no meaning, everything is essentially the product of blind chance. However, there is an abundance of EVIDENCE from parapsychology, numerous accounts of spontaneous anomalous phenomena (including several experiences of my own) as well as compelling cases in the domains of ‘near death experience’, reincarnation and spiritualism. But might these be explained by delusion, the law of large numbers (coincidence) or even fraud? There is no definitive answer.

The existence and nature of God is unknowable

The CONCEPT of god certainly exists, and is found throughout the diversity of human society and culture, albeit in a wide variety of forms.

Is god simply that which gets assigned all that cannot currently be explained? Or, the first mover that set everything in motion, and wrote the laws of its unfolding (the alleged big bang and physics)? Or, is the current universe merely one in a succession or co-existence with many, even an infinite number?

Even if there is an intelligent architect / first-mover there’s little evidence that it shows compassion or love for its creation. The evidence, as opposed to ‘faith’, is of blind indifference.

Free will cannot be proven, but it’s rational to accept it

If knowing my own existence is the only thing I can be certain of, the SENSE of free will seems highly probable. Before even considering whether free will is real or how it might operate, and maybe some people never even contemplate such questions, I instinctively think and act as though an independent agent/self with goals and desires that I seek to fulfill to the best of my ability through my choices and actions.

It is rational to believe and act as though free will is real

If there is no free will, I’m a helpless prisoner of fate, unable to actually BELIEVE or deny anything. But if there is free will and I deny it and submit to life as a helpless automation I lose vast potential that might otherwise have increased satisfaction.

It is rational to try to understand reality and self

It may be paradoxical given that reality is unknowable, but through experience, learning and introspection we can try to gain some understanding of the nature of both the outer and inner worlds. If we can understand only a small fraction of the totality, if our knowledge even slightly exceeds the absolute darkness of ignorance, then our choices are more informed and likely to result in better outcomes. Knowing (even something of) the self helps define the target we’re aiming at. Knowing (even something of) reality helps negotiating the journey to that target.

Be open to information from multiple disciplines and sources. But be critical as to what is accepted as part of YOUR knowledge.


Know thyself, and to thine own self be true. In addition to trying to understand reality, it’s equally important and no less a lifelong quest to understand yourself. And with this self-knowledge comes the responsibility to act, be and do as you really are. We each get one life, you cannot allow anyone else to live yours, nor should you attempt to live someone else’s. There are no end of external pressures to conform to someone else’s ideal of what you should be, from parents, peers, social norms etc. And indeed to co-exist with others demands a degree of playing the game. But ultimately you are the captain of your own ship, the destination and journey are yours.


Everything is caused by, and may itself cause, many other things. Nothing stands in isolation, except maybe the ‘big bang’. Even acts of WILL are INFLUENCED by a multitude of factors. Despite this complex, perpetual, chain of causation, most human experience is GIVEN; beyond our influence it simply is what it is and must be accepted as such (though there may be some scope in our response to it). Eg, I’m in situation X. Situation X is the result of that massively complex elaborate web of cause and effect. But for me, all that’s real is this moment and the situation I’m in. And that’s what I must deal with, all I can deal with. I accept X, but don’t judge it, I can only deal with it.

Focus on what’s really important

Beyond the givens lie a multitude of discretionary choices that appear to be under our control. Too many to be able to pursue more than a handful. This is where we must first identify and then focus on what’s really important. From knowledge of the self, its goals, desires etc. And from knowledge of what is, what is possible, what are the obstacles. This knowledge defines our unique mission.

Life is short, fragile and uncertain

Compared to the age of the known universe a human life isn’t even a drop in the ocean. We’re born, we live and experience, and die. We are vulnerable to so many things, disease, the malice of others, our own fallibility, the lottery of blind chance. Life is not a game that can be won. It’s about savoring the experience while we dodge the bullets.

Be here now

Everything changes. The future is shrouded in mist, the further ahead we look the harder it is to see anything. Though we can guess at how long we have from statistics and probability, each morning we wake we cannot know if it will be our last. This is the background against which we try to optimize our existence. Accept the impermanence of everything, appreciation of the moment is all that’s within our power.

The purpose of life is to maximize satisfaction

At essence, SATISFACTION is an outcome of bio-neurological activity that has evolved because its cause is good for the survival of the organism and its genetic patterns. Satisfaction is more than hedonism and may take many forms. There is the pursuit of pleasure in the moment, although the satisfaction arising from this is shallow and short-lived. Longer-lasting satisfaction may, but not necessarily, come from wealth, peace, security, family, the pursuit of MEANINGFUL activity etc. The precise mix is unique to the individual.

Complication arises from the fragility and uncertainty of life. Eg, do I spend this money on taking an enjoyable vacation, or invest it so I can retire that little bit sooner and/or enjoy a slightly better quality of future life? The answer is another unknowable, but the rational response is to hedge, prioritizing the here and now which is all that practically exists, while paying some heed to heres and nows to come.


Individual existence depends on society and environment. No human is an island. Each is part of an inextricably tangled web of interdependency with other individuals, society, life and existence as a whole. The ‘self’ and immediate circle occupies much of individual focus, but we neglect our membership of the entirety at cost, allowing others, frequently of less than wholesome motives, to dictate the agenda.

Exercise responsible citizenship

The absence of opinion is not abdication from citizenship, it’s subjugation to the opinions of others. Familiarise yourself with the major schools of philosophical and political thought. Think about what kind of society/world you want to live in. And do what you’re willing to promote it. It might be placing an X on a ballot every few years, it might be making politics your vocation. Or anywhere in-between. Join and/donate to relevant groups. In these days of social media it’s easy to join the online debate, or sign e-petitions, or e-mail your representatives. Your existence depends upon your environment. Try to shape it constructively rather than submitting meekly submit to the terms of others.


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