Tag: belief

  • What I Believe and Why

    The true nature of reality is unknowable

    Descartes defined the limits of certain knowledge with ‘I think. therefore I am.’ Beyond this all is speculation. My entire experience of reality is mediated by the senses, I experience nothing that doesn’t enter by these channels, including my study of accumulated knowledge. Perceived reality behaves extremely consistently, suggesting the likelihood that it exists independently of the perceiver, but there is no certainty. I could be a brain (of some kind) in a vat, fed perceptions by something entirely unknowable.

    Science postulates a material universe operating in accord with rigid laws could theoretically explain all that exists including consciousness. There is no meaning, everything is essentially the product of blind chance. However, there is an abundance of EVIDENCE from parapsychology, numerous accounts of spontaneous anomalous phenomena (including several experiences of my own) as well as compelling cases in the domains of ‘near death experience’, reincarnation and spiritualism. But might these be explained by delusion, the law of large numbers (coincidence) or even fraud? There is no definitive answer. (more…)

  • Finding Meaning in Spirituality

    I guess at some time in their lives most people ask themselves questions like: “why am I here?”, “what’s the meaning of life?”, “what happens to me after I die?” etc etc.

    One day, when I was about 15, I became acutely aware not just of my own mortality but also the futility of the entire universe slowly but surely winding down towards its own heat death. Maybe I was taking science too seriously, but the whole idea depressed me and shook the very optimism that someone just starting life’s journey needs in abundance.

    In my case it was the discovery of a spiritual perspective that caused my depression to subside and allowed me to progress with a (hopefully) purposeful life.

    It’s not the purpose of this article to preach any particular belief. None of us can know for sure whether any “God” exists, never mind what His/its nature might be. (more…)