
  • The Conflict Within

    The term schizophrenic is often (wrongly) used to describe people exhibiting multiple personalities. In fact the human psyche is complex and we all house numerous, and often conflicting, traits under the umbrella of a single individual.

    The psychologist C G Jung used the term “shadow” to represent our repressed characteristics. He describes it thus: “Everyone carries a shadow, and the less it is embodied in the individual’s conscious life, the blacker and denser it is.”

    Our weaker characteristics are omnipresent and seek to express themselves. Although most times their dominant counterparts win the day, occasionally the shadow self takes control; eg a usually introverted person may go through a phase of making numerous casual friendships, and a usually cautious person may take an almighty risk. (more…)

  • Finding Meaning in Spirituality

    I guess at some time in their lives most people ask themselves questions like: “why am I here?”, “what’s the meaning of life?”, “what happens to me after I die?” etc etc.

    One day, when I was about 15, I became acutely aware not just of my own mortality but also the futility of the entire universe slowly but surely winding down towards its own heat death. Maybe I was taking science too seriously, but the whole idea depressed me and shook the very optimism that someone just starting life’s journey needs in abundance.

    In my case it was the discovery of a spiritual perspective that caused my depression to subside and allowed me to progress with a (hopefully) purposeful life.

    It’s not the purpose of this article to preach any particular belief. None of us can know for sure whether any “God” exists, never mind what His/its nature might be. (more…)

  • How to be Rich (if you really want to)

    Andrew is well educated and hard working. He’s good at his job and often gets repeat business from satisfied clients. Andrew makes enough money to keep himself and his family, but is far from what would be described as "rich".

    Many people say they want to be rich, and even act like they want to be rich – though somewhat half-heartedly. Andrew’s "problem" (if you can call it that) is that wealth consciousness isn’t his main driver. He works for money, but once he’s managed to fulfill his family’s needs he prefers to divert his remaining energies to other interests.

    Is Andrew right/wrong? He is neither. He is simply pursuing his own particular path along which money is necessary but not the be and end all. (more…)

  • Seek Experience, Not Perfection

    Are you a perfectionist? Do you demand perfection from yourself, from the rest of the world, or both?

    Perfectionism has its good side. It drives you to give your best, to constantly aim bigger, better, higher… But the perfectionist is inevitably destined for frustration.

    We are flawed beings living in an imperfect universe

    Physicists believe the universe itself exists only due to an imbalance of matter and antimatter following the big bang, known as baryon asymmetry. Evolution of species only occurs because of imperfect copying (mutation) from parent to child, ie: without imperfection we’d all still be single-celled amoeba. Great discoveries have occurred by accident (or imperfection), so-called serendipity. Not least the discovery of penicillin, which occurred after biologist Alexander Fleming accidentally left a culture dish open. (more…)

  • Overcome Panic Attacks

    Panic attacks are real, debilitating, common [1], experienced by all kinds of people, often misunderstood – and – treatable. This article defines what a panic attack is, considers the likely causes, and outlines recommended treatments – including one highly effective natural technique.

    What is a Panic Attack?

    A panic attack is an acute episode of severe anxiety. Panic attacks are usually accompanied by a range of physical symptoms ranging from uncomfortable to crippling. These symptoms may include heart palpitations, breathlessness, sweating or feeling chilled, trembling, dizziness, and/or the feeling of detachment or even “going crazy” (among others).

    Not only are panic attacks very unpleasant when they strike, but they adversely affect sufferers’ entire quality of life, since they can occur at any time. Thus sufferers may avoid socializing, travel, driving, and in extreme cases leaving their home altogether.

    Panic disorder sufferers can easily feel isolated as friends and family find the condition difficult to understand compared to more obvious physical problems such as a broken leg. (more…)

  • Anxious Thoughts and Broken Records

    This article by Barry McDonagh likens anxious thoughts to an old record with the needle stuck, playing the same sound (thought) over and over. It goes on to present a simple 3-step technique for freeing your mind from the repetitive anxiety track. (more…)

  • Causes of Panic Attacks

    Barry McDonagh analyses the causes of panic attacks, beginning with a definition of anxiety and describing the fight/flight response. It explains the physical and mental effects and gives some practical advice for coping with or avoiding anxiety. (more…)

  • Eliminate Anxiety and Panic Attacks For Good

    This article by Barry McDonagh describes the symptoms of panic attacks and the helplessness felt by sufferers. It goes on to reassure sufferers that they are not alone and goes on to describe a technique to cure panic attacks. (more…)

  • Wisdom of The Serenity Prayer

    In just three lines, Reinhold Niebuhr’s Serenity Prayer (as adopted by Alcoholics Anonymous) encapsulates a profound philosophy of life.

    God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
    courage to change the things I can,
    and the wisdom to know the difference.

    We are each endowed with free will, but are bounded by external circumstance, personal limitation and the choices of others. We each have finite energy/resources but are exposed to numerous (infinite?) competing options/demands as to how these are employed. (more…)

  • Understanding Irrational Thinking

    Most people like to consider themselves rational beings, making their various life choices for all the logically “right” reasons. However, the fact is that human behavior is filled with irrational biases that seem to be hard-wired into our minds/brains.

    This article attempts to define “rationality”, and highlights some of the more common forms of irrationality. Being aware of these factors in our psychology may at least make us less vulnerable to their innate pitfalls. (more…)