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- Fate vs Free Will Predestination, Free Will, or Both? Are we victims of inescapable fate, or do we really have the power to create our own destiny? That is the age-old question. The Scientific View In the 17th Century Isaac Newton formulated his laws of motion and gravitation which gave rise to the concept of a mechanistic “clockwork” universe …
- Thinking Out of the Box What is Thinking Out of the Box? Thinking out of the box is the mode of thought that dares to challenge conventional wisdom, ie it dares to question beliefs so deeply held by so many that they are considered almost sacred. Thinking out the box is an all too rare quality, but when applied it …
- Loneliness – How to Overcome this Elderly Vulnerability by Daisy Anderson “I need a break from the loneliness that is totally consuming me” – Anonymous Aged people are especially susceptible to social isolation and loneliness, which can have serious implications on their physical as well as mental health. Hundreds of thousands of seniors are reportedly lonely and cut off from society, with over …
- How to be Rich (if you really want to) Andrew is well educated and hard working. He’s good at his job and often gets repeat business from satisfied clients. Andrew makes enough money to keep himself and his family, but is far from what would be described as “rich”. Many people say they want to be rich, and even act like they want to …
- Know Yourself Self Concept, Self Awareness beware the man behind the mask, he hides the truth behind the mask It is said that a major purpose of life is to learn, and also that we never stop learning. In most human societies learning is institutionalized from a very early age in the form of compulsory schooling. In …
- Meditation Basics What is Meditation? Life is demanding, with numerous calls on our attention at any time. For all its benefits, technology has made life even more demanding; with cell phones and the like we truly seem to be open to the world 24/7. In addition to the multitude of external demands the supercomputer that is our …
- How to Stop Procrastinating Procrastination is something most of us are guilty of at one time or another. Essentially it means avoiding or delaying things that you ought to be doing and instead using the time for less important but more pleasurable things. Eg watching TV with a take-out meal when you should be taking exercise or tackling that …
- Making Decisions with Logic and Intuition Making decisions is often one of the toughest challenges we face as human beings. And yet having the ability to decide is one of our greatest causes to rejoice, since it proves we are more than mere automata controlled rigidly by inflexible physical laws. We are each a unique and complex mix of values, drives …
- 6 Yoga Pose Transitions for Beginners by Bipin Baloni Summary: Explore the blog to find some of the finest transition poses while practicing Yoga. Yoga poses are called the heart of Yoga. Poses are an integral part of the ancient discipline, which has been prevalent on the planet since time immemorial. Those who practice Yoga on a regular basis for improvement …
- Goal Setting and Achieving Personal Goal Setting and Planning Our logical, rational mind tells us we live in a predictable world. We flick the switch, the light comes on; turn the key, the car starts etc etc. But experience tells us life isn’t so simple. What we expect often doesn’t come about, while surprises happen with disturbing frequency. This …