Tag: depression

  • Yoga and Heartfulness Meditation to Help You Beat Depression

    by Manmohan Singh

    Neurologically speaking, depression is an outcome of decrease in two neurotransmitters decisive for a healthy functioning of the mind-body. These are – serotonin and norepinephrine. If the chemical imbalance in your brain gets critical with serotonin and norepinephrine hitting the lows, there is going to be a deep sense of engulfing sadness.

    On close examination, there is a variety of biological, psychological, as well as sociological contributing factors in relation to an individual, found interwoven in the onset of depression. Any of these factors can cause or continue the bout of typical behavioral change towards—apathy, hopelessness, mood swings, sleep disorder, or social isolation.

    While you cannot make an instant alteration in your external situation to shoo away depression, engineering of your inner self to immunize against these factors is always possible. Meditation and yoga provide an important solution in this very regard revealing clearly how integrally the body and mind are connected, especially in relation to the heart which is situated vulnerably and comes under attack quite easily during emotional stress. (more…)